Botanical Name:
Leonotis leonurus
Common Name:
Lions Tail, Wild Dagga
A clump forming perennial with soft mid green leaves borne on upright squarish stems.
Leaves are lanceolate to oblanceolate up to 12cm long and slightly toothed.
Flowers are tubular up to 6cm, covered with small hairs. They are bright orange and are arranged as whorls densely around the stems, can be seen late summer to winter.
Blooms suggestive of a lions tail hence the common name.
Prune in spring after flowering to keep a nice tidy plant. Great at the back of a border for colour.
Grows best in full sun.
Ht: up to 1.5m x 1m
Bee attracting
By seed or softwood cuttings.
Flora, The Gardeners Bible.
Palmers Manual of Trees, Shrubs & Climbers by Stanley J Palmer.
