alba - white
albicans - becoming white
albiflorus - white flower
alpina - alpine
angustifolius - narrow leaved
apetala - has no petals
arachnoides - spider or spider webs e.g. Sempervivium arachnoideum, the house leek has spider web like appearance
arboreus or aborescens - tree like appearance
arenaria - of sand, referring to plants from sandy places
argentea or argyraea - silver or silvery
atro - dark coloured as in 'atropurpureum'
attenuata - narrows to a point
aurantica - orange
aurea or aureus - gold or golden
australis - southern
azurea - azure or sky blue
banksii - named for Sir Joseph Banks, botanist on Captain Cook's voyages
bellidioides - daisy-like appearance, referring to bellis, the daisy
bicolour - two coloured
bidwillii - named for John Bidwill, early New Zealand alpine plant enthusiast
Brachyglottis - short tongued, referring to the short ray florets
buchananii - named for John Buchanan, early New Zealand botanist
caerulea - dark blue
caerulecens - bluish, blue tinged
campanulatus - bell shaped
canadensis - of Canada or North-eastern America
canina - of dogs, usually means inferior plant (the Romans were not dog-lovers!)
cardinalis - scarlet, cardinal red
carnea - deep pink
cataria - of cats, eg Nepeta cataria, catmint
carractae - of waterfalls
chathamicus/chathamica - of the Chatham Islands
chinensis - of China
chlorantha - green flowered
cinerea - ash colour, greyish
coccineum - scarlet
columaris - columnar
colensoi - named for William Colenso, early botanist
confertiflora - flowers that are crowded together
cordata - heart shaped
crassifolius/crassifolia/crassifolium - with thick leaves
cunnihamii - named for Allan Cunningham, early botanist
decora - beautiful
delayavi - for Abbe Jean Marie Delavay missionary and collector
dieffenbachii - for Dr Ernst Dieffenbach, naturalist
discolor - two different colours
dissecta - deeply cut, usually of a leaf
domestica - cultivated
davidii - for Pere Arman David, missionary plant collector
Dracanena - female dragon
Echinops - a hedgehog, spiky
Echium - vipers ( a snake)
Erodium - heron's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods
excelsa/excelsum/excelsus - tall
eximia - exceptional
fibrosa - fibrous
flava - clear yellow
florida - flowering
florus/flora - of flowers
foetidus - smelling, stinking
folius/folia/folium - of leaves or foliage
forestii - for George Forest, Scottish plant collector
fragrans/fragrantissima - fragrant
frutcosa - shrubby
fulvida - tawny coloured
haastii - for Julius von Haast, explorer
hastata - spear shaped
hookeri - for Sir William or Sir Joseph Hooker, directors of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
hortensia - of gardens
horizontalis - flat, horizontal
humilis - low growing
Geranium - crane's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods
gracilis - graceful
graminea - grass-like
ilicifolia - holly-like (from Ilex or Holly)
incana - grey
indica - of India
insignis - notable
issima - very (as in 'bellissima')
isophylla - equal sized leaves
ixioides - ixia like
japonica - of Japan
jucundum - attractive example
kirkii - for Thomas Kirk, botanist
laetus/laetum - milky
latifolius/latifolia - broad leaved
lessonii/lessoniana - for Pierre Lesson surgeon and botanist
lineata - striped, with lines
lucida/lucens - shining, bright
lutea - yellow
lutescens - becoming yellow
lyallii - for David Lyall, surgeon
macrantha - having large flowers
marcrocarpa - having large fruit
marcophylla - having large leaves
meleagris - spotted like a guinea fowl as in Fritillaria meleagri
microphylla - very small leaved
monroi - for Sir David Monro, plant collector
montana/montanum - of the mountains
moschatum - musky scented
myosotis - mouse's ear
nigra - black
novae-zelandiae - of New Zealand
orientalis - eastern
oides - similar to
paniculata - having flowers in panicles
Pelargonium - stork's bill, referring to the shape of the seedpods
petriei - for Donald Petrie, plant collector
Phylla/phyllus/phyllum - A Greek word that refers to the leaves of a plant
praecox - early, of flowering
procumbens - prostrate
procurrens - spreading
prolifera - prolific or free flowering
prostrata - prostrate or lying on the ground
pseudo - means false
pumila/pumilo - dwarf
purpurea - purple (Echinea purpurea)
purpurascens - purplish, tinged purple
Ranunculus - frog, because both like marshy, boggy ground
recta - upright
reflexa - bent backwards
reptans or repens - creeping
richardii - for Achille Richard, French botanist
rigens/rigida - rigid or stiff habit
roseum - rose colour
rotundata - rounded
rotundifolia - having round-shaped leaves
rubra/rubrum - red
rugosa/rugosum - wrinkled
rupestris - growing in rocks
salicina/salicifolia - willow like
sanguinea - blood red
scandens - climbing
serotina - late flowering or late ripening
serpens - creeping
spictata - in spikes
stans/stricta - erect or upright
supine - supine or prostrate
trigida - spotted like a tiger
umbellatus - flowers appearing to be in umbels
ursinum - a bear, referring to shaggy appearance
vernus - of spring
viridis/virens - green
viridfolius - green leaved
versicolor - multi coloured
vulgaris - common
Zebrina - zebra, referring to the stripes